Question / Help ERROR add ignore list obs


New Member
OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.
This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\program files (x86)\exkode\dxtory2.0\dxtorycore.dll' module.
Fault address: 0524E0EC (c:\program files (x86)\exkode\dxtory2.0\dxtorycore.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.659b
Windows version: 10.0 (Build 16299)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz
Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
2467F550 0524E0EC 14B902D8 14261AE1 2467F668 14B90128 dxtorycore.dll!0x524e0ec
2467F5AC 05295335 2467F668 14261AA1 149AD68C 124C3CD8 dxtorycore.dll!0x5295335
2467F60C 0528A23F 2467F668 00C2A578 00C2A5C4 2467F730 dxtorycore.dll!0x528a23f
2467F64C 05287FEA 149AD68C 14910068 2467F730 012A1800 dxtorycore.dll!0x5287fea
2467F6AC 05287EF5 14910068 2467F730 00000000 00000278 dxtorycore.dll!0x5287ef5
2467F6D0 0528FC76 2467F728 0130F9C9 14910068 00000000 dxtorycore.dll!0x528fc76
2467F724 05A640D5 14910068 00000000 00000000 0130CCA0 dxtorymm.dll!0x5a640d5
2467F744 0130F9C9 74918654 00000000 74918630 448A8246 obs.exe!OBS::MainCaptureLoop+0x1649
2467FA90 0130CCA5 00000000 74918630 448A8246 2467FAE8 obs.exe!OBS::MainCaptureThread+0x5
2467FA94 74918654 00000000 151AD8DA 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x74918654
2467FAA8 774B4B17 FFFFFFFF 774D9F72 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x774b4b17
2467FAF0 774B4AE7 0130CCA0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x774b4ae7
A minidump was saved to C:\Users\gocal\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2018-04-15_1.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.
List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module