Question / Help Encoding being super inconsistent


New Member
Hello, I have been casually streaming for a little while now, and during the time of doing so on my new pc, I have noticed my encoding being super inconsistent ; the only thing being consistent is it being a pain in the butt and not working.
All of my pc specs are here:
GPU : GeForce GTX 960
CPU : Intel Core i5-4690 3.50GHz
8 GB Ram

Now, the closest server I stream to is Chicago, and multiple speed test are showing my kbps is around 16500~. Now, being reasonable, I set it to quite below that, even trying to go as far down as 500. But still, even at that low just not as often, I am getting the message of high cpu encoding. Also, I have set the resolution down 1280 by 720. I'm not sure entirely what I'm doing wrong settings wise, but I feel as if my pc and internet should be able to handle at least encoding at 500kbps.

If anyone here has any advice or can point out a flaw I've missed, it's greatly appreciated.


  • 2016-07-13-1750-18.log
    26.2 KB · Views: 3


Forum Admin
1500 bitrate is nowhere near enough for 720p 60fps.

Since you're streaming to Twitch, and unless you're a partner, you need to set 720p, 30fps, and 2000-2500 bitrate. That's your limit.

Also, you have a lot of sources that should be set to global if you're using them in multiple scenes.

EDIT: That said, high encoding won't be caused by low bitrate. The problem is that you're overloading your CPU/GPU. Try lowering the FPS to 30 and see if that fixes your issue.
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