Question / Help Encoder differences (x264 vs x264 low CPU usage preset, increases file size)


I understand what you mean about disk space being cheap, I didn't have a problem with the size of the recordings that ultrafast and superfast output, the problem was that on the superfast and ultrafast presets I was getting a jerkier video, which is what made me start experimenting with veryfast instead. I even tried superfast at CRF 10, and it's nowhere near as smooth as my current veryfast at CRF 14 setting.


Active Member
Strange unless maybe the hard drive isn't keeping up with the data rate being saved? But any modern hard drive should be plenty fast enough.


Indeed, it's like it's working opposite to what you're saying for me. I highly doubt it's the drive, its a 7200 rpm drive which I use solely for recording onto. When I tried a test with CrystalDisk it said the drive could write around 160 mb/sec. I'm sure ultrafast/superfast don't use write speeds that high (maybe lossless will get close).

Don't worry about it though, I don't have a problem, I'm getting very nice results on veryfast :)


New Member
By the way, for other readers, if you want to confirm what specific settings an OBS preset is using, you can check the source code. In version 29.0.2 for example, you can see that the x264 preset options use an AAC encoder at 192 kbps (CBR). You can also see how the CRF is calculated here. The starting value that goes in that function is either 16 or 23, for indistinguishable and high quality, respectively. You can confirm which profile, presets and more that the x264 options use here.