Question / Help Elgato streaming/Webcam/Global audio sync

Hi All,

So i've worked out the delay required for my elgato to be in sync with my webcam+mic. But i run mumble with friends as well and that outputs to my global audio on the pc.

However, i'm unable to find a solution to get the global audio (i.e. mumble/winamp/etc..) to be in sync with the delayed devices (i.e. elgato, webcam, mic). It can be quite awkward on the stream when my friends seem to be able to predict what i say before i even say it haha.

I tried to work around this by setting the 'what you hear' recording device as the audio device for my webcam in the config menu. But doing this stops my webcam from initiating when i click on the scene. my webcam only works again when i change the audio device to something else or turn the audio off entirely.

Since the global audio time offset function has been greyed out, i don't know what else i can do to delay my global audio for mumble and winamp. Any ideas?
anyone use mumble or teamspeak on their pc while they stream console games? or use a media player for music?

how do you guys get these 2 in sync?


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Forum Moderator
Delaying desktop audio is something that will be fixable in the future, but not as of yet