Bug Report Elgato sound always on issue (UPDATE)


New Member
Whenever I stream a pc game my game audio and my mic audio are separate on 2 channels where the volume can be quickly changed or muted on the OBS preview screen. However currently when playing a console game my Elgatos sound is playing on the same channel as my mic. Meaning all the game sound is muted when I mute my mic.

Is this supposed to happen or is this just me?

I set up my Elgato via the tutorial on their site...


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Re: Elgato sound output issue

Yea, the elgato sound shouldn't be linked up with the mic channel. I'll take note of this and see if anyone else reports this issue, and check the code


New Member
Re: Elgato sound output issue

I played around with OBS and my Elgato after reading a post by you Jim (Here: https://obsproject.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3044) recommending we disable our mic and set it as a webcam mic to prevent sync/delay issues (which was another problem i was working on but is now fixed TY JIM). That works great but now there is another problem. The mic channel is muted and unusable and all sound comes through the desktop channel but no matter what I do my mic is always on!

I tried
muting the desktop channel but it only mutes the elgato audio.
A mute hot key... Yet again only mutes the elgato
removing the webcam from the feed temporarily by unchecking the source...Video is gone but mic audio is not

Why is my mic audio always on... The only way i can mute my mic stream is to go offline which is kinda lame


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If you are using your mic via the audio settings in control panel it should only be mutable by the mic channel.


New Member
In settings>audio I have the mic disabled.
I have Webcam set as a global source and have my desktop mic which is a M-audio Producer USB as the mic in the setting menu for my webcam. It is set to stream not to desktop ( I did this to remove a delay between stream,webcam and mic audio and now that is fixed)

I have my elgato set to 1280x720(why cant i do 1080?) and to use default audio and to send it to stream use default audio

Currently all audio is running through the desktop channel and when I look at the mic channel it is muted but my mic still picks up.

Even if I mute the desktop channel or uncheck webcam as a source the mic is always on.


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Currently, if you use your mic on a webcam device source instead of in the mic audio settings, yes, it is linked up to the desktop. It's a pretty bad design flaw at the moment. I'll try to fix this in the future, but for the time being it's somewhat unavoidable. You may want to try using it in audio settings and then just setting the "mic time offset" real high to try to sync it back up with your webcam if you're purposely delaying it to sync it all up with elgato.