Question / Help Elgato Configure button?


New Member
Whenever I try to hit the Configure button to set up my Elgato, it looks like it tries to do something then just sits there. So I'm not sure what's going on.


New Member
You need to be previewing the stream(or streaming) before itll work. So Before you want to click the button on the right that says preview then click the configure button for your elgato. Hope that helps =)


New Member
The elgato needs to be running. Is it set as a source when you previewing the video? (Has a checked checkbox next to the elgato)


New Member
I'm interested in resolving this issue as well. When I'm trying to either preview or start streaming I'm unable to configure my Elgato's settings to stream what's on my iPad.

I have the same issue as the OP; I'll click 'configure' while the Elgato is selected as a source and it seems as if it's loading something but the usual settings configuration window does not appear.

Thanks for the help!