Edit Scene Upgrade


New Member
I would love to be able to edit the values of the parameters for a scene.

For example:

I do software capture on my Pandora window for "Now Playing" overlay.

When I edit the 'capture', I can set values(size and position). However, when I try to edit the 'scene' I can NOT. I am only able to click and drag with the mouse. Not very accurate.

Thank you,
Jordan Adania
Twitch.Tv/Adania - Masters No Gas Terran


New Member
promptness of keys "Ctrl", "Shift" and "Shift+Ctrk". or add "scenes.xconfig" file in NOTEPAD, in the directory "system disk:\Users\NICKname\AppData\Roaming\OBS\"


Forum Admin
I believe the latest 467 test has the ability to nudge sources with arrows, and yes as lio said you can edit the scenes.xconfig file to enter numbers manually. I think ideally the developers would like to add the ability to hand-edit numbers inside the app eventually.


New Member
Dodgepong, i have latest version, and no "nudging" is happening.

Thank you Lio! That was Very helpful.


Forum Admin
Ah, then it must have been added after that build was made. My mistake, I hadn't tried it myself.


Forum Admin
No, nudging with the arrow keys should work fine in the current test build.

Just make sure to click the source in the scene, not just in the list.


Forum Admin
Warchamp7 said:
No, nudging with the arrow keys should work fine in the current test build.

Just make sure to click the source in the scene, not just in the list.
That makes sense...would it be possible to change it so it can nudge if you have it selected only in the list?