duplicated layout


New Member
I installed obs-studio in Ubuntu version 20.04.

sudo apt install v4l2loopback-dkms
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
sudo apt update
sudo apt install obs-studio

obs-studio runs well. However, the docks is displayed in duplicate as shown in the attached screenshot.


I tried 'reset ui' menu from shortcut menu in obs-studio. However, duplicate docks continued to be displayed.

I tried to delete all the files in the '~/.config/obs-studio' directory and restart obs-studio. But the symptoms were the same.

I deleted the obs-studio and reinstalled it.

sudo apt autoremove obs-studio
sudo reboot
sudo apt install obs-studio

However, the docks continued to be duplicated. So it's hard for me to even add a device.

How do I get rid of this duplicate layout?