Question / Help Dual PC Stream


New Member
Do it is possible with a pluggin or something like that to be able to stream from another computer. To make a Dual PC Stream


Hmm I'm pretty sure you asking to stream using a different computer then your gaming machine, if this is the case, of course you can but its not as simple as a plugin or standard cable you would need to have a capture card on the streaming machine and set your gaming machine up to dual output using your graphic card, preferred if you have an HDMI out on your graphic card. There is a guide in the guides section if I recall that shows all the different methods of streaming, including a dual PC setup.


tHesR5 said:
Hmm I'm pretty sure you asking to stream using a different computer then your gaming machine, if this is the case, of course you can but its not as simple as a plugin or standard cable you would need to have a capture card on the streaming machine and set your gaming machine up to dual output using your graphic card, preferred if you have an HDMI out on your graphic card. There is a guide in the guides section if I recall that shows all the different methods of streaming, including a dual PC setup.

It is simple with XSplit, that's probably why he asked. In XSplit you can do LAN streaming.


New Member
Xphome said:
tHesR5 said:
Hmm I'm pretty sure you asking to stream using a different computer then your gaming machine, if this is the case, of course you can but its not as simple as a plugin or standard cable you would need to have a capture card on the streaming machine and set your gaming machine up to dual output using your graphic card, preferred if you have an HDMI out on your graphic card. There is a guide in the guides section if I recall that shows all the different methods of streaming, including a dual PC setup.

It is simple with XSplit, that's probably why he asked. In XSplit you can do LAN streaming.

Yes I confirm that's the reason... It's is more easy like that so I ask the reason for this


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Possible, of course, but the question is can I personally allocate time to work on something like that myself? Unfortunately for the time being the answer is no -- I have way too much stuff to work on currently. I may implement something that may make it easier for other programmers to do so, though.


Jim said:
Possible, of course, but the question is can I personally allocate time to work on something like that myself? Unfortunately for the time being the answer is no -- I have way too much stuff to work on currently. I may implement something that may make it easier for other programmers to do so, though.

Yeah, I would like this feature but I don't consider it high priority so it's fine.