Question / Help Dual PC Stream with Live Gamer HD (audio)


New Member
I cant seem to get sound to my stream.

I have a dual pc setup with a live gamer HD. i have a 3.5mm from the outport of my Live gamer HD to my in port (blue port on my pc) but still no sound.

Please HELP.


The Helping Squad
Hey, I currently know of the following ways to get sound on your second pc:

1. Gaming PC-> Speaker output(green port) gets a Y-adapter cable to connect your speaker AND a 3.5mm Stereo cable that goes to the IN port of your live gamer hd.
Alternatively you can connect the second cable also to the blue port on your streaming PC instead of the Live Gamer. On your streaming PC you would then set your Line-In to listen to your Speakers, or select the Line-In as the Auxillary Sound device in OBS.

2. Gaming PC-> green port -> 3.5mm cable to IN port of live gamer HD and to the OUT port of live gamer you connect your speakers

3. Gaming PC-> sends Audio over HDMI -> HDMI connected to Live Gamer HD (you have to clone the Sound on your gaming pc to still hear it on your speakers)

4. a way I currently dont remember :) for example using Teamspeak/Hardware Audio Mixer/etc. etc.

Hope this helps you!


Active Member
Jack0r said:
1. Gaming PC-> Speaker output(green port) gets a Y-adapter cable to connect your speaker AND a 3.5mm Stereo cable that goes to the IN port of your live gamer hd.

I recommend this option. I've read on the Avermedia forum that the Live Gamer HD degrades the audio, personally I have that capture card but don't use it for audio. I use the audio in on my sound card instead, using a Y cable like this: ... 8&p_id=667

One output goes to my headphones, the other to my capture computer sound card's line in.