Question / Help Dual PC stream audio problem


New Member

I hava 2 PC. First for gaming and second for streaming. I have Avermedia LGP Lite to capture video and audio from gaming PC. Now I have no problem with video. I have one problem with audio. From my gaming PC audio signal goes to Avermedia card, then by USB to streaming PC and with audio out to headphones. But I dont know how to connect my micro to both PC? I want to connect it to gaming PC for teamspeak and I want to capture sound from it to streaming PC. How can I do it winthout buying sound card and mixer? Can I connect one micro to two PC at the same time?


Forum Moderator
Go to Control Panel > Sound > Recording tab > open the Properties window for your microphone > Listen tab

Check the "Listen to this device" box and change the "Playback through this device" dropdown to your LGP.


New Member
Go to Control Panel > Sound > Recording tab > open the Properties window for your microphone > Listen tab

Check the "Listen to this device" box and change the "Playback through this device" dropdown to your LGP.
I tryed it, but if I do this I can hear myself in headphones (it's terribly because of a little delay too)


Forum Moderator
If you set the "Listen to" dropdown box correctly -- to the LGP -- you shouldn't hear yourself anywhere but on the stream, unless you've futzed up the rest of your audio setup somehow.


New Member
If you set the "Listen to" dropdown box correctly -- to the LGP -- you shouldn't hear yourself anywhere but on the stream, unless you've futzed up the rest of your audio setup somehow.
There is no LGP in dropdown, because LGP connected to my gaming PC by 3.5mm to my sound card. I can only choose my Realtek sound card in dropdown then sound go to streaming PC but I hear myself in headphones


New Member
Ok I find a way to solve this problem. I check the "Listen to this device" on my micro and stereo mixer and sent all sound to HDMI, atrer that I captured all cound on LGP from HDMI


Forum Moderator
That's exactly the correct way to set up your sound, glad you got it sorted out. I was worried you had a USB headset without some type of "Stereo Mix" or "What U Hear" device.