Question / Help Dual-PC local recording via VCE w/ r9 290x help!

Just what the title describes. I have a 290x but with a shitty i5 6600k oc'ed at 4.2 ghz. I have a spare computer with a xeon with a v8 cooler. It has 12 gb ram and has 10 hdd's on it out of which 4 i have set to raid10.

Is there a way by which i can stream at high bandwidth to my 2nd computer which will encode it and store it? That is, without creating lag in my online games?
I do use vce on my computer currently but i thought to use my 2nd computer. I have a gigabit network


Active Member

That said, OBS Classic does NOT get along well with SLI/Crossfire setups, even for just capturing, due to how the shared memory pool is managed. OBS Studio has code in it to improve multi-card setups, but really the best option is to just get a capture card for the second PC and clone the video off to a spare output on your GPU(set) to have zero impact on the gaming PC.

Also, VCE sucks aside from local recording only (or I suppose flinging to an encoder box as with the rtmp-nginx setup at the top). Terrible, terrible quality.

Wait... RAID10? So... a mirrored set of spanned arrays? Why would you do that instead of RAID5 or RAID6 (if worried about drive failures)?


Active Member
He means that you have to use a lot of bitrate to get good quality out of it. More bitrate than you can send to most gaming video services, like Twitch. But you only mentioned recording to your hard drive, so that doesn't really matter. If you're only recording to your hard drive, then there's no need for a second computer, it won't add anything of value to you. If you're streaming as well, then the NGINX link FerretBomb posted might be useful.

You didn't mention using Crossfire, but if you are, then you'll need to use OBS Studio instead of OBS Classic. Or get a video capture card, and put that in your second PC.


Active Member
I'd skipped over the local-recording aspect completely; generally if someone is using a 2PC setup it's going to be for offloading streaming encoder load.

If you're just recording, there's no need to send it to a second machine. Just follow the HQ Local Recordings guide:

With ALL of those settings followed, impact on the gaming machine should be minimal, even if it will result in large files being created. Which can be re-encoded later in non-realtime with something like Handbrake to reduce the file size while maintaining quality.

Yes, you'll still need to use Studio for the multi-adapter compatibility... which can't as of yet use VCE. Which isn't a problem, as the Ultrafast preset is a negligible CPU hit.
If you *require* zero performance hit on the gaming system though, yes, a capture card is required on the recording system.