Question / Help Dual monitor stream


New Member
Okay so i have been streaming league of legends without any problem with only one monitor connected to the pc. However now when i bought a new one so i could run dual monitors the performance massively decreased when streaming. When first connecting the new monitor and tried out playing a game while watching youtube i started to get like 100-150fps which is way better than the 60-100fps i got when using one screen. By then thought "well it's gonna be able to stream with dual monitors alright". But it can't. When streaming during the use of two monitors i get about 40-60fps but it's very VERY choppy. I've tried to change almost every setting, and tried with the same settigs as a friend with dual monitors could stream with. Is there possibly an explanation to this choppy experience i get? Anybody have a solution to this?


Community Helper
It's slow because you are using Monitor Capture with Aero enabled. Monitor capture with Aero enabled is extremely slow, and Monitor capture on Windows 7 is the worst capture method.

The best way to stream LoL is to set up 2 scenes. First, keep Aero enabled (we won't be using Monitor capture). Then, in the first scene, have a *Window* Capture of the LoL client, and in the second scene, have a Game Capture of the actual LoL game (or Window capture if the game is in Windowed or Borderless mode). Then use the Simple Scene Switcher to automatically swap between them: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1785

Just avoid Monitor capture altogether if you can afford it.


New Member
I feel kind of dumb, I downloaded the file and extracted it to obs/plugin but i don't get the part with "then click obs ui". Does that mean within th OBS window or in the plugin folder, problem is i can't find anything related to UI :/.