Question / Help Dual e5462 Streaming PC


New Member
I may be able to acquire my own personal streaming PC/Personal Server for well under 100 bucks.

Dual Xeon e5462 2.8 Ghz
32GB of DDR2 Ram

I know it it isn't new, but I was wondering if it would be able to capture Gameplay at 1080 30-60 FPS with a capture card. Any and all advice would be appreciated.

Current Build:
E3 1231v3
2x Rx 480
16GB 1600 Mhz Ram.

However when I stream I can see my frame rate stutter in games EVER SO SLIGHTLY and it is.... to put it nicely very annoying. Let me know what you think, even if its me being stupid!


About the chip:

Looking around the internet I found this result for converting a VP8 HD file to a x264 file for an android device:

Handbrake Version: 0.9.9 x86_64 (2013051800)
CPU: 2x Quad Core Xeon E5462 @ 2.8 GHz
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.1 Cache64
work: average encoding speed for job is 185.990280 fps

Well for $100 bucks, that's hard to beat, and it'll help by relieving your current system from encoding... but 1920x1080@60p I think will be impossible. 1920x1080@30p on veryfast might be possible, and 1280x720@30p on medium should be doable.

Lastly, instead of buying a capture card, consider using your current gaming PC to run OBS and stream to this server using an ultra-low CPU usage preset, and have this server just handle the recompression and streaming out of your content. It'll save you a few bucks and maybe some headaches.


New Member
Do you believe 1280x720 @60 fps would be possible at the fast preset? or Is the difference between Medium and Fast a great difference in quality? I am a little tipsy so sorry if my questions see like ass.


I hate to say it... but I think you'll have to test it and see.

That said, it should be able to do 1280x720@60p on veryfast.


Active Member
I actually doubt it.

Even for streaming only I would guess that 720p60 on veryfast is the limit after that the CPU simply falls behind due to slow IPCs.

I wonder what settings you are currently running that your 1231v3 cant handle gaming + streaming.