Question / Help Dual CPU Streaming


New Member
So Im in the process of building another computer and figured I might as well throw it into my streaming loop and see if I can output a higher quality video.

Just a couple of questions, On my encoding machine Ill have the capture card, preferably one thats taking input @ 1080p60, but ive read that they encode at 30fps, although Im sure since im using the cpu to do the encoding process via OBS, that I should pretty much ignore this statistic, since I wont be using the capture card to output video as well

If this is the case, even tho im taking the input at 60, if I set the cpu encoding to a higher framerate (61-120), and not saying I would ultimately use this, would just be to see what if, would that theoretically work, or since the input is capped @ 60, the max realistic output can only be 60, and if this is the case is there a way to capture the input higher then 60?

thanks for reading and the replies


Community Helper
Most consumer-grade capture cards can't capture at 1080p60. The CPU on the receiving computer encodes the video after the video is captured, but the capture hardware has to be powerful enough to capture at the speed you're trying to encode at. The AVerMedia Live Gamer HD can capture 1080p and downscale it to 720p60. But most other cards will be limited to normal 720p60 capture or 1080p30 capture. The cheapest device I know of that captures 1080p60 is the XCAPTURE-1 from Micomsoft.

Regardless, streaming at 1080p60 is a bad idea because of the strain it puts on viewers' computers, so even if you were to get an XCAPTURE-1, I don't recommend streaming at that resolution/framerate.


New Member
well then thats about pointless, I can drop the fps down to 30 on my current rig and encode that under 25% load all day

guess ill just have the 2nd pc to look pretty :)
