Question / Help Dual Audio Tracks Nightmare! (Not working)


Active Member
Same, i hear the mic on track 1 and some music on track 2.
If you would upload this to YT you would only hear the audio on track 1.


As far as I can tell, Premiere does not support multiple audio tracks in a single source. You'll need to extract the extra track and import it separately.


New Member
Alright, so I've encountered a similar issue that I'll explain here. I know that you've said .mp4 is not great for multi-track audio, but for what I'm using it for and the editing software I have, there isn't exactly a ton of options...

So, I am trying to figure out why videos that I record in a ".mp4" format and proceed to upload to dropbox are suddenly missing some of the audio. I have tried playing them directly through dropbox, sending the link to a friend, downloading them from dropbox locally and re-uploading but for some reason only one of the audio tracks is "registering" so to speak, once it's been uploaded to dropbox. The raw source file has all audio tracks from the raw/uncut ".mp4" footage but dropbox is either not reading it correctly, removing some of the audio tracks or something else. I am not sure how to solve this problem and any help would be greatly appreciated!

YES, I have contacted support for Dropbox & they were virtually no help.


The main question I'm trying to get answered is if there is a way for me to get video files with multiple audio tracks to play all audio tracks without having to bring it into Vegas Pro 14 to render it again & make it into 1 audio track because considering these are longer unedited videos being uploaded for speedy access, having to do a full hour long render kinda defeats the purpose. ANY help is greatly appreciated! The best way to reach me about this is likely through my twitter @GroupOfGamers if you have any potential solutions.

Jack H.

Suslik V

Active Member
@gogi194 OBS Studio can mix all available sources into the fist track (that first track is usually playbacks by video players and streaming services without issues, while other tracks may be skipped). Look at Advanced Audio Options of the OBS Studio.