Bug Report Dropping roughly 150 frames every 20 seconds.


New Member
Here's my pastebin info...


I've tried multiple resolutions, bitrates, and options. None of them seem to really have any effect. I thought it might be my pc overheating but my temperatures are more than great during the stream and this just isn't making sense to me. Besides trying numerous different options, I've also tried not using my router and going through the modem, and even tried with a brand new modem no difference.

This is really frustrating to me as I believe i should be able to stream flawlessly but Its just not working for me =(

my upload is 5.5 if it helps at all


Town drunk
I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. Do you have the same trouble trying to stream to another service like TwitchTV? Perhaps the Daily Motion servers are simply overloaded temporarily. Do they have alternate rtmp servers you can try?


New Member
I was having the same problem with twitch yes, Im using a different service and the problem persists. So I'm really not sure what the deal is and would love more suggestions.


Town drunk
Well, usually in cases like this where it's bad to all services/servers, the problem is either with the ISP or your network setup. Can you try plugging directly into your modem to see if maybe the router is causing issues?


New Member
Krazy said:
Well, usually in cases like this where it's bad to all services/servers, the problem is either with the ISP or your network setup. Can you try plugging directly into your modem to see if maybe the router is causing issues?

I tried directly plugging, no go, same issue. Modem is brand new as well.