Question / Help Dropping frames


New Member
I started using OBS a while ago and everything was working fine. Wasn't dropping frames or anything. Now im dropping frames like crazy and have no idea why. I was using an ethernet cord before and it got fried so now im using my wireless. Could that be the cause? help please and thank you


Active Member
simple answer ... its probably twitch right now due to some problems lately

you are not alone with this dropping frames problem


Well, the Wireless connection could also be the cause. WLAN has its uses but it is not known for its stability and for streaming you really want that stable connection. So, if it all possible, try and get a LAN cable going again.


New Member
yeah i prefer a wired connection but i had a storm come through a week or so ago and it fried the ethernet ports on my modem some how. i was just lucky it wasnt my computer that fried aha