Question / Help Dropping Frames


New Member
Hey I have been streaming off and on for about a month now. Never really had many issues after a friend of mine helped me set up my setting for OBS but as of about 6 hours ago today I have been dropping frames for some reason. I have called my net provider to clarify no issues in the area, my upload speed is suitable to stream and somewhat stable, I get no in game lag while streaming, I had't changed my bit rate but have even tried lowering it and still the frame drop continues. I have checked for packet lose and nothing there. I am quite puzzled and would be appreciate any help on what to do to fix this so I can get back to streaming.


New Member
I do not understand how to post the log, I found where it is and clicked the Code button, but nothing happened. It just put the word code twice and did't do anything with my log. I tried to copy paste it as well.


Go to, paste the log there, click Submit and give us the link that is generated as a result.


Active Member
first of all you got a 1st gen i3 dual core with ht

second the settings you are using are way too high for your cpu

and thats also not a complete log, you have to close obs before you acces your logfile


Community Helper
Hey grim,

Dropping frames is a result of having an insufficient connection to the streaming server. This is caused by a number of issues, in decreasing order of likelihood:

* Streaming at too high a bit rate than your upload speed can sustain
* Streaming service having performance problem, trouble keeping up with load, etc.
* ISP having service issues, or throttling your connection
* Router limiting throughput due to QoS or other problems

The first place to start would be to run a test on and see what your upload speed is. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to run ShaperProbe, either, to check for shapers. ... probe.html


New Member
Hey Doge,
I have been using to keep track of my upload and I just preformed a test and got these results- Then right after I did that I went to as you recommended an got a 1.4 Mbps upload. Now I am extremely confused on how two sites could differ so drastically in a matter of seconds between test times. But if the is the more reliable source it would pretty much narrow my Frame dropping down to internet issue's witch I suspected but until this major difference in Upload speed never had a reason to question.


Community Helper opens multiple connections to test download speed and upload speed, while uses a single connection. Since streaming uses a single connection, is more reliable a measure of how well you can stream with your connection.

Make sure you set to a location near you, though, or a location where the server you stream to is.

What did the results of ShaperProbe say?


The important thing to remember is that if you did nothing that would cause the issue before the issue appeared then obviously the cause is not a local one. So, tweaking settings and such aside that does leave us with some variables you have less control over:
  • Twitch -- As it is, Twitch's service has seen a steady decline for quite some time now and unfortunately there really is very little we can do about that.
  • Your ISP -- Your Internet provider may really be to blame. Can I ask you something to rule this out? How has the rest of the Internet been for you ever since this problem popped up? Any other strange outages or trouble using the Internet which you did not experience before?
  • Some issue with a CDN or some other form of network in between you, your ISP and Twitch -- Hard to track down, impossible to fix.


New Member
If I had to guess I would say something internet provider wise. Friend has same service and did same test but scored much higher than my results and I used to have about the same results he is getting. So either the router they gave us is already shitting out or they have some sort of wiring issue somewhere.


You could try a restart of the modem/router, although I do not suspect that to resolve the issue it still might. To restart it, typically you would just unplug its power supply from the wall socket, wait ~30 seconds and plug it back in and just wait for it to complete its boot process, which can take, say, up to a minute or 2.