Question / Help Dropping Frames w/ Good Upload Speeds


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Your highest quality number is 80, so you've got some minor connection quality issues, which could be caused by your network card drivers, your router, your modem, your cables, your ISP...

This number will likely have some variation every time you run it due to network conditions, anything over 80 is probably stable enough for streaming.
You're just on that threshold. If you've already tried everything in the troubleshooting thread I linked earlier, then I'm not sure there's much we can do for you.
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Forum Moderator
Your equipment may be the same, but your ISP may have done equipment upgrades or replacements or reconfigurations and you would usually never know. There are a ton of factors that could cause network disruption. If it always worked before, and now it suddenly doesn't, and you haven't changed anything between then and now, and you've already gone through the steps in the thread that I linked earlier, then I would suggest talking to your ISP.