Question / Help Dropping frames, fps drops, screeching from speakers


New Member
I have an average upload speed of around 5.9Mb/s so I set my bitrate to 3.5Mb/s, which is exactly what I've always used in xsplit, yet I'm getting around 36% frame drop.
To try and fix this I lowered it down to 2Mb/s, this fixed the issue, but the quality looked like crap, so I set the image quality to lanscoz or whatever it's called, but this made my games stutter like crazy, this is not due to hardware as I have a GTX 780 and a 2600k. I then decided to change that back to the lowest setting and set the processing speed to slow, this had absolutely no effect on picture quality, so I set it back to fast and just tried not downscaling the video from 1080p to 720p, this caused the software to crash for some unknown reason, then when I restarted the programme, not only did the change have no effect, but it just causes my games to run at around 10 - 15fps. If I can't get this sorted out I'm gonna have to go back to xsplit, it's a shame because I really like the idea of an open source broadcaster.


New Member
Oh yeah, also forgot to mention that when I use lancsoz (probably the wrong name), or don't downscale I get these screeches from the speakers every time the game stutters.