I started streaming 3 months ago with no issues on the same setting I am currently using. Ever since about 3 weeks ago I started dropping a huge amount of frames after streaming for around 1-2 hours, this problem has been consistent everyday since it started.
I have tried all of the solutions in the "Dropping Frames" sticky thread.
I have had 2 technicians from my ISP come. Every test they do says all the signals are in the green and claim they cannot find any problems.
I have replaced the modem, Router, Networking Switch, and all the Ethernet cables as well as upgraded my internet package to the "Rogers Ignite 250u", which is unlimited usage with 250Mbps Download 20Mbps Upload.
I have been using the Twitch Bandwidth Test regularly and I always get 80+ quality to every server before the start of my stream (No matter what time of day). But once my stream starts lagging and I run another test, my quality number fluctuate between 0-50. Here is a picture of the test I did just now http://i.imgur.com/fhAtI2K.png .
I have also been doing test streams daily on Twitch Inspector and most graphs are pretty consistent with this http://imgur.com/ALK0XBJ . For the test stream I ran this morning the graph shows massive bitrate spiking which I haven't seen before http://imgur.com/guH7ilk .
Here is the log from todays test stream, https://gist.github.com/e410e02e4757b71c44178afffbd42464 , I will continue to test everyday and will post more logs if required.
From what I can tell, it seems to be a problem with my ISP. I am hoping someone here can help diagnose the problem so I can either fix an issue on my end, or present enough evidence that the ISP will take action.
I have tried all of the solutions in the "Dropping Frames" sticky thread.
I have had 2 technicians from my ISP come. Every test they do says all the signals are in the green and claim they cannot find any problems.
I have replaced the modem, Router, Networking Switch, and all the Ethernet cables as well as upgraded my internet package to the "Rogers Ignite 250u", which is unlimited usage with 250Mbps Download 20Mbps Upload.
I have been using the Twitch Bandwidth Test regularly and I always get 80+ quality to every server before the start of my stream (No matter what time of day). But once my stream starts lagging and I run another test, my quality number fluctuate between 0-50. Here is a picture of the test I did just now http://i.imgur.com/fhAtI2K.png .
I have also been doing test streams daily on Twitch Inspector and most graphs are pretty consistent with this http://imgur.com/ALK0XBJ . For the test stream I ran this morning the graph shows massive bitrate spiking which I haven't seen before http://imgur.com/guH7ilk .
Here is the log from todays test stream, https://gist.github.com/e410e02e4757b71c44178afffbd42464 , I will continue to test everyday and will post more logs if required.
From what I can tell, it seems to be a problem with my ISP. I am hoping someone here can help diagnose the problem so I can either fix an issue on my end, or present enough evidence that the ISP will take action.