Question / Help Dropping bit rate!!!!


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There are a few things that stand out from your log.
  1. You have the CLR Browser plugin installed. This is only for OBS Classic, not for OBS Studio. Please remove it from your OBS Studio plugins folder. For OBS Studio, use the Browser Source plugin.
  2. You've got a ton of custom settings for your stream encoder. Did you set these intentionally? Do you know what they do? Some of these wouldn't fly for Twitch (VFR) and some probably shouldn't be used (Custom Buffer Size), but I don't know the proper settings for You also appear to have some warnings/notices related to these encoder settings.
  3. You have a warning about dropped frames. Are you sure your Internet connection can handle streaming at the bitrate you're using? Consider running a speed test and checking the Twitch Bandwith Test tool using a Medium Test Duration for your region with a 64k TCP Window Size.
Just looking through the settings you've got assigned and there's things like this in it: ratetol=10

Default: 1.0

Only applicable to 1pass bitrate encodes. Sets the percentage that x264 can miss the target average bitrate by. 1.0 = 1%. This means the final average bitrate (and corresponding filesize) will be within about ±1% of what you set.

That's a 10% bitrate fluctuation that you've set intentionally. A lot of the other options that you've set are also defaults and completely unnecessary.


Active Member
If you're following a guide from 2013 where THREE SEPARATE forum admins say DON'T DO THIS, you're asking for problems.

General AN

New Member


    22.7 KB · Views: 616


Active Member
That connection isn't suitable for streaming at all.
Quality of 0 is equal to a road that eats your car before you finish the first leg of your trip.


Active Member
08:17:13.222: Output 'adv_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 562 (31.4%)

Yup, it is indeed the ISP.


Active Member
it's Windows 10 because streaming video from a local server/camera in the church building also drops/freezes frames.
As in there's an RTMP server in the church building (on an RFC1918 address) that you're connecting to that gets the same behavior?

Show a log from that session if so.

If it were actually windows 10 causing this, it would likely have affected Jim as well.

General AN

New Member
As in there's an RTMP server in the church building (on an RFC1918 address) that you're connecting to that gets the same behavior?

Show a log from that session if so.

If it were actually windows 10 causing this, it would likely have affected Jim as well.
Ok. It is the ISP. The "deacon of data" thought it was Windows 10, but after testing it on 7, I found it to be the ISP. I don't think we have an RTMP server. I think it sends data over the network via video-over-Ethernet or something like that.