Question / Help Dropping all my frames for the past 2 days. [LOG INCLUDED]

I stream everyday, you can view my channel here -

Basically, these last 2 days have been a trainwreck, I lose every frame when I stream and I Dc within the first 5 minutes.

I can't tell if this is twitch or obs.

My stream has been fine for the past month, no frames dropping.

What happened? What changed?

I don't understand.

This is my log -


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Re: Dropping all my frames for the past 2 days. [LOG INCLUDE

OBS does not actually cause dropped frames, it only drops frames in response to being unable to maintain the connection speed.

Twitch seems like it's been having some connectivity issues, though I am not 100% sure of that fact. They have some new system that they're trying to get in place, and there have been a lot of tournaments lately, though I just couldn't say for sure what the problem is.
Re: Dropping all my frames for the past 2 days. [LOG INCLUDE

That's how I feel... Thanks for posting and your time Jim. :)

League tourny + GTA5 Release = Hell...

Xbone and ps4 will be worse.
Re: Dropping all my frames for the past 2 days. [LOG INCLUDE

Jim said:
OBS does not actually cause dropped frames, it only drops frames in response to being unable to maintain the connection speed.

Twitch seems like it's been having some connectivity issues, though I am not 100% sure of that fact. They have some new system that they're trying to get in place, and there have been a lot of tournaments lately, though I just couldn't say for sure what the problem is.

Couldn't cast tonight... :(

Dropping frames again. This is going to ruin my challenge for sure.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Re: Dropping all my frames for the past 2 days. [LOG INCLUDE

Just in response to what you said in the other thread -- I see that you replied to that other thread in response to what I said. Just to reemphasize what I said here, and said there: I am not blaming twitch beyond any reasonable doubt, I can't.

All I was saying is that for all I know, at the time you made your message, it -may- have been twitch, because when you made that message, there were some major tournaments going on and they have their new system going up soon, and other people were reporting similar problems, but that was only during that time period. I really should have worded that better, I apologize for that.

But again, as per my last sentence, I cannot say for sure what it is. It's very difficult for me to be able to say why any specific person is experiencing frame drops or connection issues unless it's an actual bug (and if it were for sure a bug I would probably hear about it 24/7 from users)