Question / Help Dropping 40% of frames... why?


New Member
So I used to be able to stream just fine a few months ago (perfect 30 fps, 720p), but now I can't stream without dropping around 40% of frames, despite having a high end computer and decent internet speed.

I was on the phone with my ISP for about 40 minutes the other day, and they ran every test they had and said that everything looked perfectly fine on their end.

I should also mention that every other aspect of my connection is fine. I play League of Legends with a solid 30ms ping, stream HD video without any problems, etc.)

Here's some relevant info:


Twitch Bandwidth Test:
(I've ran the bandwidth test other days and gotten quality ratings between 30 and 60 - not sure why they're all 0 today...)

Log file:

Any help is much appreciated.


I couldn't stream more then a full year because of ISP and terrible signal despite having "normal" signal on router and everything was "dendy" on their end.. So it's usually ISP. If you are dropping frames on both EU and US servers (ingest in OBS) then it's ISP.

Speedtest measure max peaked speed, not all ISP's can provide stable 2-3mbit+ upload and even then can be issues in random regions as my case was.

To be sure that you can maintain speed, get some FTP server for website/host in your country, and then start uploading file there or just try uploading staff on some online hosts and monitor your speed trough task manager win8/10 or some software. If you see that speed is dropping down sometimes then it's speed problem.

Also depends on router, max peak is possible but consistency is important.


New Member
To be sure that you can maintain speed, get some FTP server for website/host in your country, and then start uploading file there or just try uploading staff on some online hosts and monitor your speed trough task manager win8/10 or some software. If you see that speed is dropping down sometimes then it's speed problem.

Thanks for the reply. I'm a little foggy on the FTP server stuff. Is there a tutorial or any instructions on how to set it up and test it?


New Member

With all servers returning a 0 for quality I suspect you'll need to call your ISP back and have someone test the line, though you should try the other steps as well just to be sure. I doubt whatever tier 1 fool you spoke to knew or cared what he/she was doing.

They tested the line when I called a few days ago and claimed that everything was fine. Also, I tried everything on the thread that you linked, except for the firewall and network adapter driver. I'll have to look into those.


Forum Moderator
Their idea of testing the line was probably a ping, which is laughably insufficient. Get a tech out there and demonstrate the issue.


Thanks for the reply. I'm a little foggy on the FTP server stuff. Is there a tutorial or any instructions on how to set it up and test it?

Just start youtube upload and monitor speeds. I hope you have good ISP because if they don't care about streaming, loss packet and not maintaining speeds you are screwed as I was. Once when they changed everything for fiber cable it was good but I was lied for full year plus, so just saying don't believe in ISP staff, they don't have benefits if something is screwed and they can't fix it but they are telling you truth. Also maintaining speeds, they can't check that. They can see current traffic on your network or while you are doing speedtest what are you getting, your ping, your signals which you can check on your "ip of router", they can refresh/sync your router/modem and that's it.


New Member
You should try a local recording (by this I mean record some footage on your HDD or SSD) and see if you have the same frames dropping problem, this would assure that it isn't your PC that's having problem encoding your footage, and about the ISP support... yeah you can pretty much forget about them, I once had a problem with packet losses, so I dialed their number and called them... I told them that my connection has a lot of packet losses and they were like "you have what?" atleast they have admitted that they don't know what that is... so yeah... so much for ISP support...


New Member
So interesting update: I ran the Twitch Bandwidth Test again today, and here are the results:

I haven't done or changed anything since the previous test, so I don't know why things are suddenly better. Most likely a sign that the problem was within the ISP? Hopefully things stay this way now, but I'm not keeping my hopes up. I'll report back if things go south again.

Also, thanks for the additional responses, guys.


Forum Moderator
You should try a local recording (by this I mean record some footage on your HDD or SSD) and see if you have the same frames dropping problem
For future reference, you can't drop frames in a local recording, it is specifically a networking issue with frames not reaching an ingest server. You're probably thinking of late or duplicate frames.