Question / Help Dropped frames while streaming


New Member
Getting dropped frames even at the dashboard of games while streaming, just constantly drops them. It's only been doing it over the past couple of days. My upload speed is about 4.4 mbps. I have a i5 4th gen, 16 gigs of ram, gtx760. I used the obs estimator, so I have the recommended settings and such. I have also tried changing servers.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
According to the log you stream at 3400, which is a significant portion of your internet speed. Could be anything unfortunately, and if you've tried the other servers then you've pretty much exhausted your options outside of lowering your bitrate.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
There's a common misconception in the question "what do I set my bitrate to?", the answer is actually just however high it will go without dropping frames (maxing out preferably at 3500, don't go over if possible), as well as making room for whatever multiplayer game you might be playing.