Qualiy balance is not used to control the bitrate. Therefore, it should not be used when testing bitrate. The only thing quality balance should be used for is to reduce the overall quality a bit if using your current settings, the video gets pixelated during high motion scenes. You will then sacrifice some quality and reserve some extra bandwidth for those high motion scenes.
Using quality balance 0, you might well be streaming below your set bitrate during low motion scenes, and your bandwidth tests will not provide accurate results, you might falsely think a current bandwidth setting is stable for you, when you were actually using less during your test. That's where CBR is extremely useful. First: you can't mess with quality balance. Second: you will stream at the bitrate you set, if you don't need it, it will get padded. So whatever you set it to, you will be testing.
If when actually streaming, you want to go back to VBR and use quality balance, fine, but Quality balance 0 doesn't work when testing what bitrate you can handle.