Anthony Calabrese
New Member
I'm a twitch streamer and the laptop I use is an ASUS i7-6700 processor, 2.6GHz, 16 GB of RAM, 1TB HDD, GTX 960M 2GB Graphics card, 64 bit, and windows 10. My capture card is an Elgato hd60 S. I stream mainly PS4 games. My internet speeds are around 150 download and 12 mbps upload. I was able to stream 1080p @ 60fps with a bitrate of 5500 and have no issues whatsoever for a long time. I learned later you're not allowed to do anything above 3500 so I dropped it to 720p @ 60fps because a 1080p stream with 3500 bitrate didn't look so good (my upload speed was 5 mbps at this time). I've been streaming at 720p @ 60fps successfully for a while now, but just in the last couple weeks the bitrate on the bottom right of OBS classic keeps dropping down to 0 and staying there. It happens so randomly and then OBS crashes and reconnects. One day I set my bitrate to 1,000 and it crashed 5 times in 10 minutes. The weird thing about these crashes is it'll have stretches of about a half an hour or more with absolutely no problems and then out of the blue the bitrate will plummet to 0 for around 5 or 6 seconds. There's no gradual descent. It's getting to the point where it doesn't matter what I do anymore; it's going to crash regardless of whatever I put my settings at. I even tried streaming directly from my PS4 (I selected Best HD) and the stream looked like a 240p picture. It's never looked that bad before. Eventually it wasn't able to sustain it and it too crashed on me, multiple times. My laptop and PS4 are wired to my modem by the way. Just recently I upgraded my upload speed to 12 thinking that would fix it, but it didn't. I'm a speedrunner so I can't have OBS crashing on me during runs. I'm out of ideas and hope someone here can help me out. Maybe you guys will see something I don't. Thanks.
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