I have always been starting up stream with WIFI since i got in my new place. no issues had occurred and things were smooth .
3 days ago my internet provider had an outage in my complex and came to repair it. download speeds and upload speeds were the same and seemed like everything was restored until i was starting up stream
The bit rate dropped down in the reds within 30 seconds . checked with my ISP and updated Drivers and updated My Laptop. still faceing the same issue
Would i just need to face the music and buy a 50 foot ethernet cable? been in this place for about 8 months with no issues until now.
3 days ago my internet provider had an outage in my complex and came to repair it. download speeds and upload speeds were the same and seemed like everything was restored until i was starting up stream
The bit rate dropped down in the reds within 30 seconds . checked with my ISP and updated Drivers and updated My Laptop. still faceing the same issue
Would i just need to face the music and buy a 50 foot ethernet cable? been in this place for about 8 months with no issues until now.