Bug Report Dragon Nest - Game Capture Issue


New Member
Attempting to use Game Capture to stream to Twitch for the game Dragon Nest. Nothing shows up in the stream except the sound/audio and a black screen where the video should be.

The only work-around I can get is to do a Monitor Capture but that causes my FPS to drop to <15 for some reason. (That normal?) I can't really stream the game with <15 FPS due to all the chop.

This game runs its own "Hack Shield" thing... and I suspect that it's blocking OBS in some manner?


Community Helper
Hack shields can block game capture from working. If you're using Monitor capture, make sure Aero is disabled, or you will get terrible performance.


New Member
Thanks Dodgepong - That certainly helped, and worked. I disabled Aero and just captured the Monitor.

I think there was some flickering in the stream, but it wasn't too bad.


Community Helper
Is the game running in fullscreen mode? I don't know much about the game, but Monitor capture can't be used to capture fullscreen games without HUD flickering. The game needs to be run in Windowed or Borderless Windowed mode.