Bug Report Dolphin with DirectX does not show anything


New Member
So I'm trying to stream some Wind Waker, and whenever I use DirectX, nothing shows up. If I remember correctly the Steam overlay does not appear either, so it might be a problem with how the program works.

OpenGL mode works fine, though. :D Only problem is that it's somewhat slower than DirectX, but it won't likely be a problem.


New Member
What version are you using? I'm using .473b test 11 with Dolphin 3.5-1088.

OpenGL worked perfectly, by the way. Only problem is that it keeps freezing when switching scenes (in-game, not in OBS). This is a problem with the game itself though.


Dolphin 3.5-1101, though you're using a very recent version so the few commits between us don't mean that much as I've tested this on 1063 as well.

Latest OBS test build. Your OBS build is a bit old so grab the latest test build released. I don't understand why it doesn't work for some people but it works fine for others.

EDIT: I can upload my Dolphin.exe build so you can test to see if it works for you (yes, you can just replace your current Dolphin.exe build) as nothing else should break. You can do a backup of your current Dolphin.exe build in case issues would occur, but I highly doubt it. Let me know if you want it.


New Member
Latest version does not work. Even made sure I was using the 64 bit version. Tried the 32 bit version also.


it works for me, 64bit dolphin and OBS, d3d9, d3d11 even OpenGL, with game capture.

The only issue I have is Dolphin crash if I quit the game before stoping stream