Question / Help Does twitch limit Bitrate for Non-Partnership users?


New Member
Hey, I am just curious if twitch limits the amount of bitrate they allow for people who do not have partnerships. I understand that the max bitrate is 3500 but dose twitch limit it even more for people who Do not have a partnership. The reason I ask this is because I can stream at 720p 60 fps No problem but once I switch it to 1080p 60 fps My stream will stutter really bad. Is this just a pc performance issue or is twitch basically not allowing me to broadcast at that high of bitrate?

My pc specs below.
CPU - i7-5820K 3.30GHz
Ram - 32.0 GB
GPU - Gtx titan
Motherboard - Asus X99 Delux
Internet - 20+ upload

If you need Anything else just let me know :)


Active Member
3500 is the limit overall and 2000 is the practical limit for non-partners due to stream routing.


Active Member
3500kbps is nowhere CLOSE to enough for 1080p@60 video. That starts around 5000kbps, and is well into "here there be dragons" territory.

Twitch does not limit bitrate at all, 3500 is the max that the ingest servers are rated to handle. So if you're casting at higher than that and have a problem, first thing Twitch will tell you to do is turn your bitrate down. Also, if you're casting above around 5000kbps you run the risk of being banned as a denial-of-service attack.
The bigger problem is that non-partners do not have transcoding (quality options) available, and anything above 2000kbps will cause most of your potential viewership to buffer like crazy. And with no lower quality option available, people will instead just leave for a different stream that they CAN watch without buffering. Usually without mentioning anything about it... the only people who will usually bother to talk are your regulars, and if the only people who stay are the few that CAN watch you, you'll never hear about the issue. Just never really gain viewership.
Even 720@60 is mostly a waste of bitrate (starts around 2500-2700) for a non-partner, and will result in poor quality video in anything not low-motion. If you *need* 60fps for a technical reason, need to downscale to 480p to fit it into the 2000kbps realistic bitrate budget.

Don't get lost chasing numbers. It's an easy trap to fall into.
You'll just screw yourself over as far as growing as a livestreamer.


New Member
I have confirmed that twitch is now 100% limiting video bitrate for non-partners to 3500kbps.

Just figured I'd update the thread since this has changed relatively recently.