Question / Help Does output video dimensions need to be multiple of 4?


New Member
I am not sure about the H.264 spec, so I would like someone to clarify... Does both dimensions of the video need to be a multiple of 4?

I ask this because when I try to set video to 854x480, it outputs a file of 852x480 instead, without any indication in OBS.

Is the resolution change done by x264 or OBS itself?


New Member
WayZHC said:
I dont know. Maybe there is somekind of aspect ratio correction going on. Like 16:9, 4:3, 5:4..
No, it should not be related.

If you set whatever dimensions which is not a multiple of 4, the output will be rounded (possibly down) to the nearest multiple of 4, and then the scene will be scaled a little bit, causing unnecessary interpolation and result in a blurred output.

If that is true, what I think is that OBS should warn the user when the output dimension is not set to a multiple of 4 to prevent this.


Forum Admin
Multiples of 4 are required for various operations (scaling / color conversion / etc) to run efficiently.