Question / Help Does OBS make "keys/mouse" to stick?


New Member
Hey guys.

I had some problems fixing my resolution and streaming bitrates but managed to fix it just recently. And it feels kinda smooth streaming now, except that I have 200fps now instead of 300 when I play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. But thats cool.

So a new bug(?) or issue I noticed when streaming is that for some reason my keys get stuck for like 0.5seconds sometimes. For example when I run straight forward, all of a sudden it starts walking left or right for a second or so. And sometimes I have to tap like 2-3 times on the mouse untill it fires. It's really strange and this only happens when I stream... Has this happened to anyone else or is it just for me?

A log if that helps:


New Member
I noticed that sometimes it delays what key I press. For example I press space to jump and it jumps like 0.5s after I pressed it..