Question / Help Do I Have Good Enough Internet To Stream? (Please Help)


New Member
So basically my problem is that I am really interested in starting to stream but I don't know much about it and am not sure if my internet is good enough. My upload speed is roughly .3 - .4 Mbps and is the best internet option for where I live. I've seen videos where people make streaming with .7 Mbps work by changing setting and stuff, but I'm not really sure as to how effective that is. I would really appreciate some feedback for what to do or if there is nothing I can do. Thanks :)


New Member
It might be a little rocky, but if your PC can handle more of the weight instead of your internet, you should be able to do it!


Active Member
No. Sorry, there is nothing you can do. Even .7mbps is ridiculously, inadvisably low.

There is no magic setting to make it so you can stream on a connection THAT bad. You need more upstream bandwidth, full stop.