Re: Disconnecting after a few seconds of streaming [resolved
Hey Jawe, just wanted to say thank you for giving that advice of trying the servers. I chose the one in LA (the secondary) and managed to stream for almost 4 hours without a break. That was seriously awesome considering that I was getting disconnected within 10 minutes in the couple weeks that I have been trying to stream.
To anyone else searching for disconnect issues, what has finally *seemed* to work for me (I say that because I would like to test further) is simply picking another server to upload to. I was getting very worried that there was something going on with windows firewall, my modem/router, anti-virus, etc., but it's turned out that it was nothing related to those issues. I still took steps that others have outlined such as puttings OBS as an exception in firewall, etc., so it's possible they have had a help in the matter. But all in all, I think it's the stability of Twitch's servers and your upload bandwidth to those servers. If you have a low bandwidth such as I have, I believe you're even further as a disadvantage, but that's just opinion. To be honest, it really just seems if you get lucky with the servers and if they are behaving at the time you are looking to upload to them. Hope for the best and keep trying.