Question / Help Disconnecting after a few seconds of streaming [resolved]


New Member
So in the last few days i can't stream normally as i could before, i constantly get disconnected from twitch when i try to stream. I could stream normally before i didn't even change any settings but suddenly i can't stream anyone. I tried changing servers, changing some settings and even resetting my stream key, but to no avail. Anyone have any suggestions to what the problem might be and how to fix it?


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Re: Disconnecting after a few seconds of streaming

Posting a log is quite helpful as the first measure. It lets us see what's going on internally with the application. There's a sticky that explains how to do so.


New Member
Re: Disconnecting after a few seconds of streaming

I managed to resolve the issue myself, i've tried going threw the list of servers that were offered and managed to find one from which i wasn't getting disconnected from. Still don't get why i was able to play on one server and then suddenly get disconnected from it constantly, but I'm happy that it's fixed.


New Member
Re: Disconnecting after a few seconds of streaming

Hey Jawe, if you happen to read this, would you mind replying with what servers you were trying to use and what one finally worked for you. I'm having a similar problem where the connection is dropping every so often, and I'm hoping that the servers are the solution I've been looking for.


New Member
Re: Disconnecting after a few seconds of streaming [resolved

Sorry i wasn't here for a few days, the strange thing is that the one's that were the furthest away from me worked better. The current one I'm using is the one in Singapore, so far it's working great. But i recommend trying every single server.


New Member
Re: Disconnecting after a few seconds of streaming [resolved

Thanks for the response Jawe, and no worries about timing, all's good. That's interesting that the server furthest worked. I never thought that it would be a solution. But it can't hurt to try. By the way, another question as I didn't see a log file posted, what was the error you were receiving when you were disconnected. The error I have been consistently getting is the 10035 (it might be 10053 actually, don't have the logs in front of me) and it's been a headache for a little while. Thanks again though for responding.


New Member
Re: Disconnecting after a few seconds of streaming [resolved

Hey Jawe, just wanted to say thank you for giving that advice of trying the servers. I chose the one in LA (the secondary) and managed to stream for almost 4 hours without a break. That was seriously awesome considering that I was getting disconnected within 10 minutes in the couple weeks that I have been trying to stream.

To anyone else searching for disconnect issues, what has finally *seemed* to work for me (I say that because I would like to test further) is simply picking another server to upload to. I was getting very worried that there was something going on with windows firewall, my modem/router, anti-virus, etc., but it's turned out that it was nothing related to those issues. I still took steps that others have outlined such as puttings OBS as an exception in firewall, etc., so it's possible they have had a help in the matter. But all in all, I think it's the stability of Twitch's servers and your upload bandwidth to those servers. If you have a low bandwidth such as I have, I believe you're even further as a disadvantage, but that's just opinion. To be honest, it really just seems if you get lucky with the servers and if they are behaving at the time you are looking to upload to them. Hope for the best and keep trying.


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Re: Disconnecting after a few seconds of streaming [resolved

Yea, I've heard of cases of using servers that are far working better than servers that are supposedly near. Sometimes this is just a routing thing that has nothing to do with the server location.

Also ThatBronyGuy - still haven't forgotten your suggestions from way back when last year. Expect them to eventually go in :)