Disabling network/social media modules


New Member

I'm a student working through a 2nd year programming course and we've be given a project to customize an open source application in a way that would be beneficial in a real world scenario.

My idea is to provide an OBS build that removes the streaming and upload capabilities, so that organizations with sensitive information(law firms, health centers, etc.) can use it on average, low end enterprise laptops.

I have everything set up to branch from the repo, but was hoping I could get some pointers from anyone more experienced with customizing OBS.

My initial thought is just to remove the UI elements/clickables that facilitate streaming and uploading, but I'm not sure where to start or if that's even a good practice. It just seemed like a simple solution.

Again, I've limited experience.


Active Member
UI is UI. Roughly speaking. If all you're looking for is to disable access but keep the code behind it, then it should be relatively straightforward, and transferable to other things too.

But I don't think your stated "customers" are going to accept the code still being there, if they knew. And not telling them seems dishonest to me. So I think you should at least take a serious look at removing the functions entirely (and fixing any subsequent problems that are caused by their absence), even if you do eventually get overwhelmed and give up.

Also, media production is amazingly demanding. As long as you're keeping the encoding capability (still required to record), the high required specs don't change, because that's what drives them. You're probably not going to get away with it on cheap "accountant friendly" laptops. Even if they do technically have the required specs on paper, they don't have the cooling systems to do it indefinitely. So they'll overheat and throttle way back, and that kills the recording.

Anyway, great idea! But I think for a 2nd year programming assignment, you might have bitten off a bit more than you can chew. More ambitious things have been successful though, so if you really want this, go right ahead!


New Member
Thanks for the response. I found the the ui element, worked backwards to the method, and just passed a null.

I changed the text to "streaming disabled", so I think it will work on a surface level for the assignment.

I'd still like to just remove the social networking parts all together, but you're right. It's a bit too far out of the scope of this practice.