Disable preview on boot


I'm running OBS in a remote webcam installation on a box which has very limited CPU resources. Every time OBS is restarted, the preview window keeps appearing, even though I disabled it previously.

Please please please add an option to save the current state of the preview window (enabled/disabled) for next restart.


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On Windows, OBS already does remember whether the preview is enabled or disabled. It's a setting in the global.ini file in %AppData%\obs-studio, and it is saved when OBS closes normally.


On Windows, OBS already does remember whether the preview is enabled or disabled. It's a setting in the global.ini file in %AppData%\obs-studio, and it is saved when OBS closes normally.

Ah, thank you. Since I'm normally restarting the system, I have to force stop OBS (due to it popping up a form asking me if I want to quit). This is why the preview window stays open.