Disable CORS for OBS scene browser?


New Member
I need to disable CORS for OBS browser, I searched for a long time and I couldn't find any ways to create a javascript proxy that works without domain on localhost with https and cloudflare on the other end, is there a way to disable cors in obs? I running obs studio on mac os.


New Member
It seems you found a solution to my same problem. Is there anyway you could provide a step-by-step to your solution? I'm new to using Terminal


New Member
I need to disable CORS for OBS browser, I searched for a long time and I couldn't find any ways to create a javascript proxy that works without domain on localhost with https and cloudflare on the other end, is there a way to disable cors in obs? I running obs studio on mac os.
--disable-web-security actually works in MacOS, but you need --user-data-dir argument

I've successfully run OBS without CORS using this command:

open -na OBS --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev"