Different profiles


New Member
I want to have two profiles, one to stream.
And another to record videos for TikTok.

For example, in the main one that is for streaming, I use 1920x1080.
And to record videos (tiktok) I use 1080x1920.

But when I change it, sometimes everything goes out of order, when I finish streaming, and I want to use the profile to record for tiktok, continue with the streaming profile. And sometimes it's like it has a bug


Active Member
You can't change those settings mid-stream or mid-recording, if that's what you're asking.

If you end a session, change settings, and start the next, are you saying that *that* doesn't work?

Also, there's the Profile, and there's the Scene Collection. Different things are stored in each. I don't know why they're separate; I always change them together. If you're only changing one, then that might be at least part of the problem.