Different audio codecs for recording // Good work so far!


New Member
First off, I would like to say you've done an amazing job with OBS, I've had no problems with this program that was the programs fault (Games crashing due to outdated GPU drivers when chosen to capture and framerate drops), but I've worked those out. I really love this program, so thank you Jim!

I would like to see new audio codecs, or Sony Vegas friendly codecs because I currently use Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum HD 10, but it won't recognize the audio. Instead, the video would show up flawlessly, while the audio continues to be missing (the right codecs are installed, too). The problem is is that the audio can't be read by Sony Vegas, so it tends to just throw it out and keep the video. If you can't fix this, that's fine, but maybe the .AVI file would work that you've been thinking about implementing. I understand that this is tough to do, but thanks for the hard work.

By the way, thanks so much for the audio delay, that's VERY useful for many consolololol players :)


New Member
Re: Different audio codecs for recording // Good work so far

I know that this is just a workaround but in the meantime you can use ffmpeg and convert audio codec to something Vegas would be comfortable with.
  • Download ffmpeg from http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ .
  • Paste this in a bat file, ffmpeg.exe has to be in the same folder.
    ffmpeg -i "%~1" -acodec libmp3lame -b:a 192k -vcodec copy -f mp4 "%~n1_mp3audio.mp4"
  • Drag any recording on the bat file. It will appear next to the original.
(I'm just assuming Vegas works right with mp3)


Forum Admin
Re: Different audio codecs for recording // Good work so far

I don't think the problem is the codec. Vegas supports AAC and MP3, which are the only options you have with OBS. Rather, there is a bug right now in the way the FLV/mp4 containers are created that causes the audio track to not be seen in Vegas. Jim knows about it and will be working on it, since apparently it is causing other audio issues elsewhere too.


New Member
Re: Different audio codecs for recording // Good work so far

dodgepong said:
I don't think the problem is the codec. Vegas supports AAC and MP3, which are the only options you have with OBS. Rather, there is a bug right now in the way the FLV/mp4 containers are created that causes the audio track to not be seen in Vegas. Jim knows about it and will be working on it, since apparently it is causing other audio issues elsewhere too.
Thank you for the information! It's appreciated!


New Member
Re: Different audio codecs for recording // Good work so far

Well, in that case you can just use -acodec copy (and drop the -b:a) to just repack the file.


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Forum Moderator
Re: Different audio codecs for recording // Good work so far

I will be trying to get mp4s to work with vegas


New Member
Re: Different audio codecs for recording // Good work so far

Jim said:
I will be trying to get mp4s to work with vegas

Awesome! Thanks for all the hard work so far! I love streaming with OBS!