develop the UI functionality


New Member
Hello, I'm using the OBS program and I'd like to sincerely thank the developers. However, as I'm using it in an unusual way I've been lacking some functions. I'd like to support the development and I'm ready to pay a reasonable sum to those who could employ some functions (the budget is about $300). I need the next functions:
1) an option to change the size of scene field and source field;
2) an option to add a source during the translation below the others;
3) to fix the bug with changing the source size on the scene to zero if it's edited while switched off;
4) an option to edit an inactive scene;
5) to add a smooth change of source transparency during the translation;
6) to find or develop the VNC source plugin: it has to be able to grip a certain area on the image and to reconnect in case of connection failure.

P.S. Excuse my bad English


heros in an halfshel
Hello there, let me adress some things.

1, 2 and 5 I don't quite understand what you're asking, sorry.
3) This is indeed a bug that has been around for a long time, it has something to do with the weird scaling hack, which I've (unsucessfully) tried to get rid of a few times.
4) This will not be added to the regular OBS, but is easy to implement in the rewrite of OBS that is currently in progress.
6) If there is some sort of VNC library for (for instance) C#, this could probably be done easily by just about anyone using the CLR Host plugin.

Aside from the ones that aren't entirely clear, I will say that there is a rewrite of OBS in progress, with much flexibility (UI and otherwise) implemented already.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Things such as these will be possible with the rewrite. Don't know about VNC though, I would be interested in that as well, but I have to work on the core program, so I don't have time to really make plugins for everyone who asks for them. I just want to make it easier for others to write plugins, which is what I've been trying to do as of late.


New Member
1... I need so but I don't known win api for make manualHeightControls and manualWidthControls is dynamic. For it I need to add mouse zone between ID_SCENES and ID_SOURCES for manualWidthControls and between Video scene and controls for manualHeightControls. Then i need to call ResizeWindow() for repaint window when mouse zone will mooved. I hope I clearly explained.
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