Question / Help Desktop RSTP stream to IP video recorder


New Member
I am missing something simple. We sell an IP camera system that fully supports RSTP inbound streaming.
The following camera settings record a camera stream.
add new Generic RTSP channel using following URL: rtsp://ip_address:8554/

We have PC1 running a graphing tool showing the SNMP bandwidth of other cameras.. We want to record these charts alongside the cameras. We'd be happy with 3 to 5 fps, and 256 screen colors, and a pixel windows of 400 x 300

Does OBS directly create the stream? can we control what port is used?

with working examples, I will donate $100 to OBS...


New Member
I appreciate the speedy reply, but you assume I can put your comments in context of how OBS works. I've struggled a dozen hours with VLC trying to do this and found OBS thinking it might do the job. I was hoping I might get more of a step by step process to create an RSTP stream in the same subnet to send the desktop, window, or pixel window to the IP DVR. The DVR maker had older notes with VLC from videolan.
The DVR is expecting H.264 MP3(Mp4)

The recorder and VLC will successfully display/record the cameras using the following URL string.
rtsp://IP-ADDRESS/defaultPrimary?streamType=u I believe the default port is 554

and I'm hoping to see OBS or some other tool that will create an RSTP stream of the desktop, window, or area that will allow the dvr to capture and record...

happy with 5 fps....


Forum Admin
Oh, apologies, I misunderstood what you're trying to do. You're looking to stream OUT an RTSP stream with OBS?

I don't believe it's possible to get OBS to stream RTSP outbound. It can only receive. However, VLC should work for your use case, what exactly is the issue with trying to use VLC? If it's using a specific port, you specify it in the RTSP URL with a : separator, like:


Hope this helps!


New Member
No worries, and thank you for hanging in there with your comments. I came across OBS after spending far to much time with different versions of VLC with no success. The new versions of VLC seem to crash when the IP DVR attempts to connect to the stream, and the VLC forums pale in comparison to the activity on this site. I wish OBS had worked.. Thanks.


New Member
No worries, and thank you for hanging in there with your comments. I came across OBS after spending far to much time with different versions of VLC with no success. The new versions of VLC seem to crash when the IP DVR attempts to connect to the stream, and the VLC forums pale in comparison to the activity on this site. I wish OBS had worked.. Thanks.
Hey, I'm trying to do the same thing, what did you end up using as your solution?