Desktop hardware recommendation.


New Member
Thanks everyone for all the great input. Will read it over one (or two) more time(s) and pick something :)
Will also look into the licensing, and yes, we do have a CCLI license.
God bless!


Active Member
For waking congregation up after time change, I'm inclined towards Trans Siberian Orchestra vs AC/DC's Hells Bells...
See who complains automatically, who actually pays attention, and who actually has a problem with what. :-)

ApologetiX - Topic - YouTube

During Pentecost we have to lower the Pipe Organ mic level to avoid distortion when he creates the sound of wind on the organ.. fun stuff...
Nice! :-)


Active Member
It's commendable that you prioritize safety and advocate for ethical practices among tech companies.
I recall the time my CIO came to me asking why I wasn't recommending EMC for a multi million $ SAN order. Their ethics were certainly a consideration, but in that circumstance I knew the games EMC played, and they pissed me off with some very under-handed sales tactics, so I simply out-smarted them by doing a lifecycle focused cost-analysis for 1 more year than EMC's warranty/support cycle... (into timeframe EMC not-so-gently pushes customers to a forklift replacement by making support outrageously expensive. EMC either had to commit to low support cost in later years, or show hardware placement... net result.. EMC wasn't even competitive... yea, companies that tried to play ethical games with me often paid the price as I was in a position to guide that to happen one way or the other).

Mind you I have a house full of Precisions, Latitudes, and a couple of XPS Studio desktops. (more than I'd like to admit, many of which I simply haven't gotten around to disposing of, like some old Compaq AP500 workstations). And of course business class machines have numerous features that make them more stable, secure, and reliable over the long haul. In general, I'd put HP Z series slightly above comparable Precision, but it depends on specific model ... nice to have choices