Bug Report Desktop audio is unmuteable/unadjustable


New Member
Basically in the new 0.50b update, I can't mute or adjust the levels on desktop audio. This is making it so my games are always blaringly loud over my microphone audio and streaming is basically impossible. Changing the audio device doesn't seem to be working either. A disable option like the microphone selection menu has might have at least temporarily helped but if I switch it to a sound device that isn't hooked up (in hopes of taking NO audio in at all) it just closes the program after saying it can't use desktop audio.

Edit: Attached the log file for a quick test stream under current conditions.


  • 2013-04-25-1246-55.log
    3.6 KB · Views: 53


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I don't understand -- do you mean the mute button is not working for you in the app? I can't seem to reproduce such a thing on my end


New Member
The mute button strictly for desktop audio, yes. Adjusting the audio levels on it doesn't do anything either. I know it seems like the most random issue. I'll try 0.51 later and see if it was just a fluke.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
wait are you using audio from your avermedia? in that case you actually currently have to mute it in the device source properties - a bit of a design problem at the moment.


New Member
Yeah it's picking that up. Ahhh gotcha. Weird, worked just fine in the last stable update. Thanks for the head's up, I'll do that till it's all sorted :)