Question / Help Desktop Audio is not working on Mac


New Member
Ever since I got OBS the desktop audio would never work. I used soundflower and wavtab but they canceled out my audio on my headphones. so right now I'm stuck and cant figure anything out. Unless this is a bug then ill wait, but I just need some help.


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It means you do not have it set up correctly. You need to use soundflowerbed to reroute soundflower's capture in to your headphones. Soundflowerbed is available in the Soundflower folder in utilities.
might I suggest downloading Line In it's free and it allows you to do what you are asking for. Set sound flower 2nd chnl to your headphones then do this with line in.


Then once you have done this go into System Preferences of your Mac.
Click Sound Settings and in Ouput select Soundflower (2ch) like so


What this does it takes all the desktop audio such as youtube or iTunes and it transfers it into your headphones so that you too will be able to hear it. Hope this helps.