Dedicated hardware encoding support?


New Member
I'm not sure exactly how feasible this is from either a technical or political perspective, but would it be possible to add support to use hardware encoding found on cards like the AverMedia C985?

I know that xSplit and Wirecast both have an option to encode using dedicated cards and they both have support for this card specifically. It'd be fantastic to be able to use OBS without the need for a second machine to offload the encoding during a live game stream.


Town drunk
It's one of those things that's on the list of planned stuff :P

The hardware encoders on these devices are generally pretty subpar, though. They generally have encoding settings that aren't the best and you'll usually get better quality having OBS handle the encoding on the CPU, though obviously this puts strain back on your system.


I think OpenCL acceleration or hardware encoder support would be better off... Although it would instantly obsolete hardware encoders like the Avermedia.