Dazzle DVC 100 & OBS Audio sources jumbled


I have a new install of OBS on Linux Mint 20.2 (Based on Ubuntu Focal) and using a Dazzle DVC 100 Ver 1.1. . Yesterday I did test capturing most of the day and was happy with the results I was getting. Today I return to capture and notice that the audio is somehow all messed up.

As I have a PC with no integrated Line in , I do not find an immediate work-around.

It seems that OBS allows me to add the Dazzle DVC 100 but it does not work. It was working as an Alsa device yesterday. Today I noticed that OBS shows the DVC100 audio as coming in on Mic/Aux input. I can not remove and re-add it and have it work properly. The audio then comes in on what OBS says is an input labelled Mic/Aux on my integrated sound card. It also seems the longer it plays, the longer the sound gets delayed. Is there a way I can get OBS to access thew sound card directly?

I tried the steps on this page: https://vsbogd.github.io/misc/howto-capture-vhs.html
and that all seems to work with a very minimal audio delay.

I was actually liking the smaller file sizes I was getting out of OBS but can no longer seem to use it now that I was prepared to go to the next step.


Ok, today I put a USB sound card on my system thinking I could use it for Audio input as there are issues with the Dazzle DVC 100 and audio on wrong inputs.

My USB sound card has now exhibited some of the same issues as I was getting with the Dazzle DVC. So there is the integrated sound card, USB Sound card and Dazzle DVC 100 sound input. I set the preferred recording device to the USB sound card line input in sound preferences. I can see the audio moves the meter for Line in on USB sound card in sound preferences. When I open OBS the Mic input shows as stereo (which it is only mono) and if I turn it up it has the audio of the USB sound card line in on it! Even adding an ALSA device for the USB sound card is not reliable. It seems to work sometimes and not others.
Very confused.


Active Member
Sounds like everything is working, except for the increasing delay. Where do you see that delay? Monitor? Stream? Recording? Those are different problems with different solutions.

For the terminology, "Mic" is simply an audio input. It doesn't mean anything more than that. It could just as easily be a Line in, or a virtual patch cord from a different app. If you imagine a professional sound board where all of its inputs are labelled "MIC #", and then you put an electric guitar in one, a computer in another, etc., it's the same idea here.


Also, don't know if this is your problem or not, but you should never use the Default selection for an audio device. Go to Settings -> Audio and change them either to Disabled or to a specific device right there. "Default" defers the choice to the operating system, which can and will change it some time later. So what used to work, suddenly doesn't, because it's now looking at the wrong device.

"Default" is good to prove that a fresh installation works, as it's the most likely to choose what you're using already, but it's a ticking time bomb for anything beyond that. Never use Default. Always choose a specific device *in OBS*.


Not just that delay is the issue. THat is a separate issue. It seems I can not select an audio source and have it reliably work whether it is a USB sound card input or the Dazzle DVC100 input