Bug Report Dashboard button issue when switcing profiles.

When using mutilple profiles:

If you have one profile with the dashboard url filled in and one profile without it and you switch between them.
The dashboard button stays in the main window of obs and when it's on the profile without the dashboard link in it , it wil go to the my documents of the current user.

Think it would be nice if the button just dissapears when obs is switched to a profile without a dashboard link.

windows 7 64-bit and build 0.52.08b 64-bit.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
0.52 is a bit outdated - this definitely should be fixed in the most recent versions, as I just tested it to make sure and it was working properly when switching profiles


Forum Admin
.08b is also a test build, you should not use test builds after a release is made.
Thanks for the replies,

Wel would you mind telling me in what version it works? Because i have tried it now with a fresh download and reinstall from the download section (0.542 Beta) and that version seems to also have that issue,

i have made 2 short video's of the issue:
First one will start at 0:45 where i have set up my twitch account and making a second account without a dashboard link.

Then i have to restart obs witch the right profile selected for the button to appear.
But when i select the other profile again, it stil shows the same behavior as explained in the 1st post.


i also removed the obs folder from the appdata folder before reinstalling. And perhaps i should mention that it's the 64-bit version that i use.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Are you sure the fix was made after 0.542? I could have sworn I made that fix far earlier in time


New Member
We might be thinking of different fixes here. The one I'm thinking of is my pull request here. Specifically, things such as the menu (but not the settings window) would switch the profile without triggering any UI update logic (which reminds me, I did intend to clean that up a bit).