Dark stream after recent update


New Member
I got random a issue after the recent update. After the update I noticed my streams have been darker (Dim Feed) and cant figure out to revert it back to normal. I using display capture to capture footage from street fighter 5 cause I cant use game capture with that game. I changed color ranges from limited to full and still no solution. I did realize if I changed the color space from rec.701 to rec.2100pq the colors and brightness of stream went back to normal but cant stream or record after it selecting it. Wanted to see if there was any solutions to this issue.


New Member
I got random a issue after the recent update. After the update I noticed my streams have been darker (Dim Feed) and cant figure out to revert it back to normal. I using display capture to capture footage from street fighter 5 cause I cant use game capture with that game. I changed color ranges from limited to full and still no solution. I did realize if I changed the color space from rec.701 to rec.2100pq the colors and brightness of stream went back to normal but cant stream or record after it selecting it. Wanted to see if there was any solutions to this issue.
So I think I solved my own problem... After messing with the settings in Nvidia and my monitor settings I ended up turning off the hdr feature of my monitor. Since I had this monitor hdr was always turned on... I have no clue why having hdr on gives the user a darker feed. Having hdr turned on never was an issue before the recent update.